Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#676 Message non lu par takjoaho »

Salut Sumerien :)

Ouais grave quoi, gros +1 héhé, ces especes de mandiants serieux :lol:

Je leur ai bien répondu ce que j´en pensais héhé et de leur breeder qui envoient des photos venant de forum pour representer leur soit disant taf, ca fait peur :mrgreen:

La ils ont mis une tof qui fait plus blueberry effectivement, leur "breeder" a du farfouiller dans le site a dj short ou dans les archives de DP :mrgreen:

Sinon l´AK, merci poto, elle etait d´enfer ouais, malheureusement je ne me suis mis a bouturer qu´a partir de la session d´apres :x

ps: Ah ce Jean-Fenec alors :mrgreen:
-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#677 Message non lu par geronimo »

Purée trop fort c't hishoire,Tak là, la réputation de certains en prend un sérieux coup..... 75$!!!??
Les sellers et le marketing, vendre, vendre, vendre.....
je viens de me taper les pages de ce post,
c'est super réaliste quand à l'explosion des vendeurs se disant breeder.....

Il y a un truc qui revient souvent, c'est le découragement de beaucoup quand à produire ses propre graines,
d'ou je pense l'espace dans lequel s'est infiltré ses mêmes vendeurs breeder.....de charme :mrgreen:

Maintenant tu ne sais plus à quel saint (sein? :mrgreen: ) te fier.... :cry:
Je reste fidèle à mes bon vieux qui m'on pas lacher (même si il n'y a pas de freebies....!!)
Acheter des graines de qualité, breeder sois-même ets la plus belle aventure;.....
Sinon tu as l'impression d'aller au distributeur du coin (coin-coin) comme pour nawak d'autre...... un peu banal non?
[color=#008040]"[size=85][i]Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière empoisonnée,
le dernier poisson pêché, alors vous découvrirez
que l'argent ne se mange pas.[/i] (dicton Cree)[/size]"[/color]

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#678 Message non lu par ataw »

Et oui les rapaces sont partout, les griffes bien acérées pretes a trancher le premier noob venu de loin :lol:

Heureusement que les fofos cannabiques sont là, surveille ,l'oeuil percant :cool:

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#679 Message non lu par takjoaho »

Hugh l' indien :) Bein gros +1 c' est clair, faut trier comme il se doit maintenant, et t' as bien plus de chance de tomber sur le fond du panier malheureusement...Bien d' accord, faut se pécho 2 pochons distincts et zou fais péter les F1 et les F2 a toc, mais de mieux en mieux, j' ai l' impression que même chez certaines "valeurs sures" y' a des haut et des bas...

Dans ce cas la encore pire, les gars foutent en ligne des descriptions, des photos et savent même pas ce qu' ils vendent en vrai et v'la le tarif, les AK elles sont a 23 eu a la sensi :lol: et le gars ose m' annoncer que c' est ou ce sont leur breeder qui leur file les tofs :mrgreen: bein je t' explique pas le massacre la BBY :lol: je leur ai répondu cash et pas de retour la héhé

Salut Ata :) +1 poto héhé :petard:
-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#680 Message non lu par Balthazar »

Ghanna fruit f1 et Orange bud blast pour 45$ chez breedbay:

Sa m'dit quelque chose :lol:
Ghanna Fruit – F1

This is personnaly an ultimate release, coupling the pure character of a rare pure sativa and the tremendous performance of a famous and well known yielder in an explosion of tastes and highly stimulating highs. This is a true "ménage-a-trois" wich started in the middle of 90's with the breeder and wich finded finally a way to be fusionned in a breeding plan after twos long IBL's of more than one decade for each.

In the chronologic order, the passion started with the Ghannabis imported from the Ghanna borders in the West Africa generally more knowned for the Nigerian crops. The natal country of Kofi Annan, the Ghanna, is a region wich have a pantagruelic local demand of cannabis, being in the same time statistically one of the most peacefull region of the planet. 300 000 years old, this west coast of Africa benefit from stable temps all the year at 30°c for the maxima the day and at 15°c for the minima the night. The soles saesonal rains happend between April and September, the rest of the time the Harmattan's winds blow out gigantic dust's clouds from Sahara all over the dry saeson.

It's theorically around 1940 than the « aboyam tawa » (tobacco of the devil) was introduced by ghanaian soldiers when theyr returned from India, in mission for the Great Brittain. The locals quickly developed the culture inside the cacao trees crops. They used quickly littles greenhouses and transplanting methods against the austral part where it was extremly rare. The ghanaians ganja's farmers expanded progressivly theyr territory to Nigeria, one of the more productive region of Africa today. At this day, the most productive region of Ghana in cocoa still the most productive in cannabis too and its mode of culture rarely use irrigation and fertilizers.

The « wee » is appreciated for be usefull, mainly for to support an hard work. It's maybe what given by successive selections to this herb this incredible but progressive high, motavating and long lasting. It's locally selled in paper's wraps but under a form of special hash too. This last is made with a mortar and water, then sometimes diluted to a distilled wine of palm.

It's in 1994 than i tasted this exotic product in south of Europe and quickly i asked the original product. Tons of hash of all nations overloaded the market where i lived and true exotic herbs was rare and/or very expensive. Since, this strain was always keeped pure over a fews lines and worked in respect of the initial smoke among the long acclimatation to europeans indoor and outdoor conditions.

The line where the female heritage of the Ghanna Fruit is extracted come from a genpool of 11 others inbreds of this strain and have the particularity to be selected for to be the most performant in indoor conditions. More branchy and quick than its sisters, this line can be harvested lightly ambered in 65 days in offering the original taste and high with a moderated yield as the sole compromission in selection. For to obtain this line, the specimens producing the more horizontal lateral branching for to jugulate the typical sativa's stretch was patiently selected to be the fastest in respect of the original smoke.

The P1 female selected is a rare phenotype producing numerous elongated lateral branchs; a short tree losted between its high sisters. Her taste is the most licorous than my selections gived on and its high absolutly delicious : progressive, strong without to crush the path of your ideas and absolutly compatible with all form of activities, creatives or not. Genetically, this specimen was truly a perfect woman for to encounter a famous bodybuilder as donnor.

One of the first hybrid than i discovered in the same period is the famous Sweet Tooth. It was for me a story of love quickly and this is naturally than i thinked about this strain outside the parrallel chronology aspect. Mastering until the time the gens of this holly assembly of Breeder Steve, i decided to fusion the P1 female with a P1 male for to create an explosion of dense highs. The inbred created with the Sweet Tooth keep its typicall "marge simpson" flowers shape and its vigorous stretch inherited from the SPG after have given a dense, very short indica mirage in vegetative time. But the yield was lighly reduced to give a margin for to improve the potency to the maximum possible with this strain, than i call now "cocaleaf" for his brutal, direct and strong effect on the tonicardiac rythm. It's a true rush wish come like the cavalery among the cone until the first toke, letting maybe on side the peacefull/smiling character initially choosen for this hybrid by Spice of Life.

The generated F1 is outside all standarts and to experience in first for that, for the discovery. Coupling the specific tonicardiac effect of the male with the long lenght motavation of the female, the Ghanna Fruit is typically the lady of the night fevers or any fiestas. The taste is not in rest. Strong, odorfull but complex, a fruity resin sweetly licorized wich will colonize the palate until the first tokes and modify deliciously the taste of a simple glass of fresh water.

Coupling the resistance of a pure africaan landrace acclimated and the performance of an american hybrid, the F1 are very easy to grow at only one condition : to don't cut them and preserve the apex. It's typically a "let-it-grow" strain in ease both outdoor and indoor. It's possible to torture them with a blade but at the price to increase the flowering time or to decrease the yield; all others type of cares and technics are possible and well supported. The sensibility to the mold of the Sweet Tooth is avoided in this release due to the sativa blood injected, and permit humid crops in outdoors, tropical conditions or indoors setup with high humidity safely. Directly launched in flowering photoperiod from seeds, the Ghanna Fruit create baseball bats of around seventy to heighty centimeters height, hungry in nitrogen, for a flowering period of 65 days. Relativly sweet with the carbon filters to the point to can finish theyr lifespan without problem, it's when the trimming time come than you will need to take care about this factor. The resin is a mix between a glue and a translucid gel, coating entirely the vegetal mass flowered and around when you work on... it stink as hell for to resume accuratly.

The high is like the THX effect in hi-fi systems and very direct, pushing you in a constant need of any type of activity. This strong and intense high is enclosed in a fruity licorous smoke, mix of a candy multi-fruit and a swiss licor of cannabis with a long lifespan in mooth and a long acidific after-effect in tongue. In high turn over setups (SOG or affiliated), the industrial rooting performance will be well appreciated by advanced growers but will need spare specimens of motherplants due to the unappealing of this strain for any treatment with blades. For intense use, a special care is to plan : high density of light, nutrients well balanced in N and good volume for roots (C30 minimal).

Enjoy this delightfull adrenaline producer !
Orange Bud Blast - F1

In my favorite yielder classes are present twos types of plants : the Calif Orange and one well known assembly of skunks for its dense taste of Orange. The breeding plan born 6 years ago from this preference and had for goal to inject the taste agent of the second without the dominant skunk gens in an improved yield of the first. Fan of the smoke of the Calif'O of 90's, I wanted to sweet its complexity for the pleasure and for make easier its grow in indoor conditions, particulary its yield in SOG.

The selection started with the goal to fit a titanic basis, a typical 90's California Orange, for get in F2 the maximum of yield possible in 70 days. I choosen an unique female, branchy and mainly sativa with tones of citrus/terebentin in a specific F1 assembly coded "Ultra COB". This quick baobab posseded an exponential development very interresting for to support the hardiness of the next step of the breeding plan : the more she growed, the more she growed fast. The final product was counter all false ideas the most soporific high than i ever tasted in a mainly sativa hybrid. A rare knock out side ready to fight any hyperactivity problems.

Now than i had the perfect dominant female standart for this project, i searched a male wich conforted the yield in its monstruosity in applying a lifting of the phyllotaxy of the UCOB for tend more to a indoor/outdoor strain. After many tests, i choosen to use another hybrid of Calif'O fitted for the greenhouses of the North Europe : a Calif'O x Nothern Light x Hashplant in a F2 line initially selected for the "more bushy possible" aspect. Without to change so many the character of the Ultra COB, this male gived a more large profile, a true fountain of leafs in fact, in reducing the flowering time to the 60-65 range. The twos green streams was now fusionned and ready for give the ultimate P1 male in selection.

The P1 male of the Orange Bud Blast is a sort of champion in an arena of muscular gliadators, predating the crop with his deadly shadow for all plants not enough vigorous to grow near. A fountain of leafs with a large scale planted in an elongated bushy shape, wich give a majectic arc of the canopee. The regularity of the leafs shape, a seven-pointer, present the particularity to have the three biggest blades near to identicall in lenght. With his "hazel tree" leaf draws in more dense, it give to him a fine aesthetics touch to his monstruosity.This collosal stalion flower like a kamikazi in 60 days with a progressive production wich finish in a firework of pollen.This male was used for some dominance tests and every time proved his incredible heritage in increasing the yield and vigor dramatically, like a cartoon can do. All pistils he touched, even landrace. His sisters keeped the citrus/terebentin/soporific profile but with a gain of a hash undertone wich gived more lenght to the resin on palate, making the smoke more round and pleasant to play with in mooth. Its gladiator's performance permitted me now all type of madness possible for the final touch, fully oriented on the taste.

It's when an assembly of skunks well known for its particular taste of Orange fruit entered in the breeding plan. The goal was totally a whim of breeder, because i knowned by advance than the female wanted in selection will be impossible to reproduce pure, outside the P1 male builded for encounter her. The selection, wich started in F1 in the same time than the initial basis of the male, was focused in twos drastic parameters : the more short flowering time possible for a cannabis plant and the more strong taste of Orange possible for this genotype... in washing the skunk gens brutally from the start. So it was truly an extraction of the taste agent in this particular line.

Different methods was used successively for to obtain the final P1 in F4, for to quote one of them i determinated an early-deadly condition for the selection with my knownledge of skunks : coco coir in nutrient-less conditions in SOG for the first weeks and a N-less nutrient program after the stretch. This particularity of this breeding plan costed a lot of specimens but finally gived with others traits selection in the 3th generation the ultime couple than i searched : flowering in less than 40 days, smelling like a fresh orange harvested on a tree and epurated from the dominant skunks gens.

The P1 female is constantly in the yellow side against all levels of N than his very short size can permit, the seedling smell the orange fruit until the second week of vegetative time by all its parts : stems, leafs, trunk. One particularity is than a carency and an overfertilization inforce both the orange odors but in twos different manners. Very economic in P and K (she can be feeded only with an unbalance of A&B, without boosters), its crystals are big and elongated, its calyx round and ridiculously big for the stems wich produce them. This is a perfect representation of what Avalon Garden love for its P1 stock : extrem and extravagant. Extrem for its qualities pushed at max (rapidity, taste and odor, sweetness of the smoke), extravagant for the collateral damage than it created : the branchs density of this lady is insane, a true black hole when the light itself can't escape, making a genetical cement and a joint venture with the allready bushy P1 male wich produce a very more hard fiber than the P1 female, making the final F1 a perfect playground for the bondage adepts. Outside its rapidity, she's finished brown without to stretch at 40, she don't smell so much for the carbon filters when untouched... it's the grower wich smell when a work is to do on. The final product is mostly vicious by its sweetness and its dense orange taste, a concentrated and sugared candy of orange's flavors wich warm gently the temples and permit all abuses from the bong to the cone in passing by the vapo. Without any doubt, the beauty of my beast.

The couple created a true new strain wich couple the better of this offroad selection : very tasty in the orange/citrus/hash side, strong and quick yielder both with veg' time or in SOG for the buds and the motherplants furnishing the clones armies, a complex high shared between a light motavation and a couchlock without any pity.

The offspring follow the dominant shape of the male, wich permit to build in vegetative stage a bunch of serious and promising specimens with or without bondages. The extrem density permit all madness for the experienced growers, in letting the beginners the spectactors of a simple fountain of vegetal mass to feed without extra cares. It's only when the stretch let the place to the flowering process than the female heritage begin to express its character by odor first, but by a density of the internal productive stems wich accelerate in a very furnished form for the final yield. From this point, the buds start a rush and fill the structure very quickly with the help of a good flowering amendments (simples PK are far enough for this strain). This is particulary impressive in hydroponics setup with a well oxygenated roots mass, this become quickly industrial by the hardiness and the productivity of the motherplants too. The bud's structure are a fight between an indica and a lightly sativa shape, not round, not oval, but a dense mix of the twos with a dense calyxes structure.

I advise to harvest the females at 65 days for a complete range of the high, at 60 for the ones wich can resist to the temptation to roll a cone of orange rips. It's a weed wich can't go with any form of moderation. Workers, take care. The yield in SOG is over the Oz per plant with a 600HPS/square meter in 3 liters of basic soil and i invite to the competition the Avalonians for the most impressive yield in tree mode, this baby is builded initially for that. With one month vegetative stages, she will need to be trained with strategy but tempt to avoid any cut... each branch truly produce a bunch of delicious flowers, even under developped because in the eye of the vegetal cyclone.

For the selection in F1, counter the common idea than the most rare is the better, i firmly advise to hunt in the dominant hybrid phenotypes and particulary in the more balanced between the twos descriptions of the P1 gived in up. The more easy way will be to watch for the leafs-trap : The more the blades are short/equals, the more you are in fact in the male heritage. The more you have the central finger developped, the more you are in the female heritage.


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#681 Message non lu par Sodome »

Tiens , ca sent le Tep :lol:


45$ le pax , il se fait pas chier :roll:

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#682 Message non lu par link² »

:mrgreen: un peu mon neveu ,
pour les deux phrases :wink:
la vibes

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The Happy Sower
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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#683 Message non lu par The Happy Sower »

:lol: ah yep! je comprend maintenant pourquoi j'me suis nouveau fait ban de Bbay :lol:

:roll: clair qu'il valait mieux me bannir parce que je me serait fait une joie hein :lol:
lui en a fallut du temps pour pondre sont nouveau strain :mrgreen:

:roll: sinon 45$ c'est honnête......sachant que le père pistil se gave quand même à hauteur de 50% hein :wink: (pis moins chère c'est pas vraiment possible avec pistils hein :lol: parce que lui c'est money money hein...)

par contre c'est honnête si les bordels valent le coup hein :lol:


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#684 Message non lu par Sodome »

Je prefere filer mon fric ailleurs qu'a un affabulateur notoire :)

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The Happy Sower
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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#685 Message non lu par The Happy Sower »

:lol: yep vaut mieux que tu achètes des cd de raggae ...au moins les seeds c'est cadeau bonux :mrgreen:

:roll: tu peux toujours demander si il y a une garantie de qualité sur ses seeds et s'il pratique le satisfait ou remboursé :mrgreen:


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#686 Message non lu par Sodome »

:roll: Pour 45 balles je prefere autant prendre un Adventure mix ou les promos sur la Blubonic et la Blue Satellite 2.2 :lol: au moins je suis certain de la qualité du taf , et je prefere l'ethique d'un Steve que celle de Tep .

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#687 Message non lu par The Happy Sower »

:roll: ben ca paye presque l'entrée des gosses au parc d'attraction....(46 roros pour les 3 :lol: )


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#688 Message non lu par Sodome »

Ca fait environ 13 Big Mac aussi :lol:

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The Happy Sower
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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#689 Message non lu par The Happy Sower »

:roll:hummm... j'vois les info strains..... il à sacrément étalé la marmelade dit donc :lol: maintenant faut faire le show...mais sans trop s'étalé dans la marmelade par contre :mrgreen:

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#690 Message non lu par link² »

:lol: :lol: puissance 10

pour les tarots :lol: puissance 15 :lol:

pisitils j'veux bien le polleniser a ce prix là :shock:
la vibes
