Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#661 Message non lu par link² »

pas totalement sur qu'elle soit nouvelle :?:

NEW STRAIN!!!Mandala Seeds Beyond the Brain

Beyond the Brain is a modest plant that discreetly hides her secret until the very end, when all her inherent power is revealed as a true consciousness expanding herb of incredibly clarity and power.Its medical use has excellent medical-grade marijuana for broad spectrum use. Great for experiencing a very clear, functional, motivational high with long-lasting potency along with the medical benefits.It is particularly characterised with crystal-clear cerebral high; expansive; active and social; energizing transcendental. Especially valuable for creative and spiritually orientated people.

Aroma: minty; thyme

Available in 10 seeds.


NEW STRAIN!!!Mandala Seeds Point of no Return
There is literally no turning back once you inhale the first tokes of Point of No Return!

Type: indica-sativa
Contains land race genetics from: Afghanistan; Mexico
Cultivation: indoor/outdoor
Flowering time: 65-72 days/ mid-October (south), late October (north)
Yield: 350-400gr/m2 (dry weight); 700-1000 gr per plant outdoor in the ground (dry weight).
High: a knockout medical-grade indica stone; couch lock; body relaxation.
Aroma: peppermint; sweet; fruity-berry.
Medical use: deep and long lasting medical effects; suitable for pain relief, reducing MS related spasms, hyperactivity & nervousness, anxiety, stress related symptoms, sleep disorders, menstrual cramps, muscle relaxant. Available in 10 seeds

mais sur leur site a mandala je ne trouve que ça ?



*NEW* Available exclusively in our online shop.

Limited Edition 2010

Type: 75% sativa
Contains land race genetics from: Kerala, South India; Nepal
Cultivation: indoor/outdoor
Flowering time: 65-72 days/ mid-October (south), late October (north)
Yield: 350gr/m2 (dry weight); 850-1000gr per plant outdoor in the ground.
High: a sativa-dominant high; helps to relax but keeps you awake at the same time; good for ideas and creativity; suitable for persons with a high THC tolerance.
THC: 23+%
Aroma: herbal; fruity.
Medical use: excellent medical-grade marijuana.

For image gallery click on the photo above...

Each limited edition of Krystalica has been a once-in-a-lifetime unique creation. With Krystalica you can witness how much time and energy we focus into the making of a Mandala strain. It has been five years since the last edition and during this period we have been meticulously selecting and testing a large selection of plants in search for a new pair of parents that can create a cross worthy of the predecessors in the Krystalica lineage.

Everyone who has even remotely enjoyed our Satori will appreciate Krystalica as another essential connoisseur strain. She offers a great package deal that is hard to come by: impressive resin production, good yields, easy growing, and a superb high. Although both strains have features in common, the cannabinoids in Krystalica make up a distinctly different high. Satori can be too overwhelming for some smokers. Krystalica is smoother and less dramatic in the intial phase of the high, therefore especially appreciated by sensitive persons, or those prone to paranoia and anxiety. This is also a sativa with a relaxing effect that makes you want to slow down and enjoy. Whereas Satori is also suitable for energetic pursuits or partying, Krystalica is best smoked when you want to wind down but stay refreshed or creative at the same time. The medical applications for Krystalica are extensive since it has top THC levels with a very pleasant high to match. However, we do not recommend this strain to persons with sleep disorders.

Krystalica can be grown indoor from seeds or clones. Use 400-600W HPS/m2 for best results because this is a high-performance strain and may not flower well under low light. In hydroponics impressive yields can be expected – especially if you have selected a mother plant that brings the extra pounds on the scale. A very promising pheno for yield is the early flowering type. It can have the classic XXL leaves typical of many of our Mandala strains. Krystalica grows some long shoots extending from the bottom two internodes. These should be pruned in hydroponics or if your grow space is cramped. The remaining branches are of medium length but may require a bit of support during late flowering if the buds become particularly heavy. It is usually sufficient to tie a thick string or gardening wire around the outside perimeter of the plant. The plants grow well in SOG and can be planted in close rows. With 4 weeks of vegetative growth under 400W HPS/m2 in quality soil you can expect the plants to reach a height between 70-110 cm. Use at least 5L/1 gallon containers for growth and 10L/2.5 gallon for flowering for plants from seed (clones can be raised in smaller containers). Bud development is unlike a typical sativa and quite dense with some plants exhibiting broad indica-type buds. Trichome production, extending even to the large leaves, can reach amazing heights so it pays to keep back-up clones and select the most spectacular individual as mother plant or for breeding projects.


elle me fait de l'oeil alors laissez en moi :lol:


ça sur leur site sur la point of no return

*NEW* Currently only available in our online shop.

Dreamtime Collection

Type: indica-sativa

Contains land race genetics from: Afghanistan; Mexico

Cultivation: indoor/outdoor

Flowering time: 65-72 days/ mid-October (south), late October (north)

Yield: 350-400gr/m2 (dry weight); 700-1000 gr per plant outdoor in the ground.

High: a knockout medical-grade indica stone; couch lock; body relaxation.

Aroma: peppermint; sweet; fruity-berry.

Medical use: deep and long lasting medical effects; suitable for pain relief, reducing MS related spasms, hyperactivity & nervousness, anxiety, stress related symptoms, sleep disorders, menstrual cramps, muscle relaxant.

For image gallery click on the photo above...

This exceptional medical strain should not be missing in any garden if you are looking for a one-hit wonder with a good yield and delicious aroma. Point of No Return (P.N.R.) delivers a beautiful crop of thick cone-shaped buds crowned by towers of resiny calyxes. The long head bud tapers at the end like a peak and has a sufficiently airy structure that contributes to the high mold resistance. Although this is not a large plant it focuses a tremendous amount of energy into bud development and has potential as a high yielder - especially in hydroponics, a greenhouse, or outdoor. P.N.R. grows to a broad christmas tree shape with very long leaf stalks that allow light to pass through the plant, thereby allowing close planting despite the branchy growth. Pruning the the bottom side branches at the first two internodes can be beneficial, especially if you intend to grow in SOG or hydroponics. Due to it’s growth pattern P.N.R. may also be a good choice for SCROG and for cultivating a multi-branch plant. With 4 weeks of vegetative growth under 400W HPS/m2 in quality soil you can expect the plants to reach a height between 70-125cm and most will average between 90-100cm. To select the highest yielding mother plant with exceptional resin production we recommend focusing on the taller females. If you require shorter plants for a Homebox/grow tent/closet you can simply reduce the vegetative time to 3 weeks.

The medical properties are very promising for persons who require the benefits of a narcotic or pain reducing strain. The easy growing/low maintenance feature typical of our Mandala genetics adds to the many positive traits of Point of No Return which medical growers will appreciate, especially if they are unable to care for their garden in an intensive way. Flowering time can be extended a few days to further enhance CBD levels. The high is first felt in the head and an immobilizing effect sets in - emptying the mind of all thoughts. There is literally no turning back once you inhale the first tokes of Point of No Return. It’s best to smoke P.N.R. sitting down! After about one hour the intense stony feeling abates leaving you in a pleasantly relaxed, dreamy state. You can experience the full medical benefits from the indica stone without uncomfortable side-effects such as a hangover the next day. The pain reducing properties work similar to a massage: at the onset of the high you may feel a heightened awareness of the discomfort zones in the body, this eventually gives way to a series of warm wave-like sensations that initiate the relaxation and pain relief phase. Cramp related pain responds well to P.N.R.’s soothing effect. The medical benefits are long lasting and can be felt for many hours. We recommend a calm environment to get the most out of the stress releasing and sleep inducing properties. Smoke this strain about ½-1 hour before going to bed if you suffer from sleep disorders (experiment and see what works best for you). This is a goodnight stone that makes you wake up refreshed. We wish you sweet dreams!


et pis y'a cette info qui traine sur leur site

A limited number of packs are available of WHITE SATIN

Great choice for low odour 'stealth' grow and low-light conditions (15-20.000 lumens/m2 and above)


si vous avez d'autre infos surtout sur la beyond the brain car c'est cheucheu que il n'y est rien sur leur site ?
la vibes


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#662 Message non lu par keepitgrow »

Kristalica, deja épuisée :x

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#663 Message non lu par link² »

:lol: :lol:

merde j'avais pas vu :taper:

par contre leur site n'est pas très a jour :taper: en première page c'est encore les nouveautés 2009 :lol:
la vibes


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#664 Message non lu par M.B »

MOTA MORTAL (Acapulco Gold X Purple Haze) de brazilianseedcompany

Mota Mortal: Here she is the monster lady of my garden....besides her buds smell like peaches she is a deadly weed. Her codename could be peaches but I don´t know...sounds too clichè.
Acapulco Gold mom X Purple Haze : Fast growing of a pure Christmas tree sativa full of leaves and branches. Great huge buds at the main center and at the branches lots of solid rounded buds full of hairs btw. The hairs are deep brown color and she is a stinky sativa all around since her vegetative stage which was very vigorous and wonderful to see her developing. The flowering is a long one with 14 weeks but what could I say? It worths a lot to wait. Talking about waiting, I´ve started this project in 2004 when I could get the luck to have a beautiful old school Purple Haze parents and the polen collected from the P.Haze males I´ve been polinating my Acapulco Gold mom which didn´t show much phenotypes during the stablishment because of P.Haze mexican sativa background this was an easy cross stabilization to do in a little time.
Her heigh of 4,5ft is good to manage indoors and in the outside she was born in the spring of November and started flowering in January and finished in May. The yield is high to average producing 150 grms per plant.
Heigh: 1,33 mt
Aroma: peach
Odour: Medium to high
Type: Hybrid of pure sativa (100% sativa)
Flowering time: 12-14 weeks
Harvest: Up to 300 gram/m2 indoor
Taste: Strong sweet tutti frutti
Effect: Strong high, long lasting, mind blower.
Flowers Appearance: Covered in trychomes, dark brown hairs and cristals, dark green.

12 seeds for 40 euros, or 6 seeds for 20 euros.
All Seed Pack labeled individually.
No shipping tax

14 semaines :petard:

Edit: ha ouai je voulais dire surtout, je sais pas si s'est récent mais Paypal accepted :topcool:

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#665 Message non lu par takjoaho »

Salut a tous :)

Pour les amateurs de sweet tooth#3 je viens de lire par ici que Kootenay de chez Deluxe seeds va en ressortir une fournée d' ici quelques temps :topcool:

En espérant que ce soit pas mis sur leur ventes aux enchères de mes deux :mrgreen:

-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#666 Message non lu par Sodome »

Il a les parents originaux ?


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#667 Message non lu par Balthazar »

Pas sur , mais jcrois bien qu'il a récup le stock de graines de steve (ou une partie).


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#668 Message non lu par Sodome »

Ok donc ça sera pas forcement l'originale mais interessant tout de meme . Sauf si coome dit c'est en vente que sur seebay :bide:

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#669 Message non lu par takjoaho »

Alors ouais, du coup j' ai farfouillé un peu plus, et ce serait peut être plutôt une sweet tooth 3.3 :)

Car il a l' air de bien disposer de l' originale Sweet Pink Grapfruit, et d' après le membre SOFT420 qui a l' air d' être bien calé sur SOL et de plus un gros fan, il y aurait des packs de sweet tooth#3 encore, qui pourraient servir a degotter quelques beaux males et pollenisé la SPG :)

Ces packs de sweet tooth#3 seraient détenu par le gypsi, et si c' est ceux qu' il distillaient au compte goutte en début d' année, ce sont des F2 de ST#3, Kootenay disait avoir encore une centaine de seeds de ST#3, mais je sais pas si ce sont des F2 ou des originales :idea:

Voir le post #65 ici

J' ai regardé de nouveau l' arbre de SOL que Marcello a fait et la ST#3 a pour parent la SPG donc et un mâle ST Bx2 dont les graines n' auraient jamais été mises sur le marché, si j' interprète bien :)
-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#670 Message non lu par takjoaho »

Fille de joie cette halluce, ils se font pas chier les gars sérieux....regardez moi cette blueberry :shock: :mrgreen:

http://sowamazingseeds.com/store/cannab ... erry-p-250

-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#671 Message non lu par link² »

salut tak

c'est pas la DJ short a ce prix là ?
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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#672 Message non lu par takjoaho »

Oi poto Link :)

Je sais pas du tout d´ou ils les sortent ces graines, en fait j´ai posté ca la, non pas parceque c´est une nouvelle sortie....mais je savais pas ou le mettre :mrgreen:

En fait le truc c´est que la photo presente, est une de mes tofs qui date d´il y a 2 piges a peu pres et qui n´est absolument pas de la blueberry LOL mais c´est mon Afghan kush :lol:

Tranquille comme chez mémé les canadiens :mrgreen:
-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#673 Message non lu par link² »

:shock: :shock:

mais carrément mêmes qu'ils ce font pas chier :roll: , bon ben deja ont sait que ce ne sont pas des sérieux :topcool:

très belle ton afghan kush tak :topcool:
la vibes

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Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#674 Message non lu par takjoaho »


Hi Jean-fenec,

We get our photographs from our breeder. The image has been changed.

Sow Amazing Seeds

Et bein, doivent disposer de sacrés breeders les loulous la :petard:
-->>marre d' engraisser tous ces porcs !!>>--
Boules d' argile powaaaa^^ Θ×ß®¾Ж Back to the roots
La Cave a Smoke-reports des FCF : viens y poser ton cigare^^


Re: Le topic des nouvelles variétés !

#675 Message non lu par sumerien »

Rhoo les blaireaux a prendre des tofs au hasard sans connaitre la ref :shock: ils se doutent pas que ca se découvre un jour ou l'autre, un peu comme certains gens qui postent des tofs de culture trouvée sur le net pour épater la galerie :lol: , et ca prouve bien a quel point on nous prend pour des jambons, faire passer une afghane pour une blue c'est vraiment sans pitié :?
Bien belles ton afghane takjoaho l'est bien cristaline la coquine tu l'as encore ou elle fut de passage :idea:
Big Up :mrgreen:
Edit: grillé par Jean-Fenec :lol:
